Adrenaline Week
The past four days have passed by in a blur. One big, hazy, adrenaline-packed, fun blur. Tuesday - Camps Bay Rashad and I had breakfast at Cocoa Wah Wah, where I stayed to work until Chuck finished class. I demolished some Pragmatism reading and was sending some emails when BAM! a motorcyclist t-boned an SUV at the intersection in front of the cafe. I was working, heard the tires squeal, and looked up in time to see the whole crash happen. I don't think anyone was critically injured but the motorcyclist was definitely in pain and the people in the car were ok minus a few cuts. But it was a crazy experience to say the least and it simply illustrated that the drivers in this city may be the worst in the entire world. Speed limits are nonexistent, it is required to peel out after every stop light, pedestrians do NOT have the right of way, and hearing at least one cop car chase per night is about average. Post-crash I met up with Selcuk and we headed out to Camps Bay, a beach o...