One in a Million...

(story adapted from email by Rick Hodes)
In summer, 1994, Rick Hodes was in Goma, Zaire and stopped his pickup truck late one afternoon as he drove out of Kibumba Refugee Camp to pick up a small kid covered with blood who had been hit by a hit-and-run driver.

Contrary to what is reported in the Minneapolis story, it was Dr. Dawit Welday and Rick who picked up Taka. They drove to the Israeli field hospital where Taka had the first of many operations to save his life and reconstruct his skull. When they closed the hospital months later, he moved into Rick's personal tent. Every night, he'd shake Rick at 3AM, Rick would open the flaps and Taka would go out and pee.

JDC funded him to come to the states for his surgery, which was arranged by Dr. Andre-Jacques Neucy of NYU.

"I vividly recall writing a letter saying he is allergic to all eggs, so that the Kenyan authorities would not require him to show proof of immunization which was unavailable. And with a bit of a smile, I signed a paper saying that the only place in the world that could
operate on him was NYU Hospital, as the US consul watched." ~Rick Hodes, MD

He was adopted by Nancy Larson, a JDC volunteer from Minnesota.
