What I love about Addis

~The people are genuinely kind, respectful, and friendly.
~I feel very safe.
~The juice store beside the mission sells the world's greatest manguo chemaki (mango juice/pulp/puree)
~There are more places to buy pastries here than in France, and delicious, fresh bread is available all day long.
~There are palm trees growing in the alleys behind the storefronts and the city has lots of greenery (too bad you can't see it when a car drives by leaving you in a cloud of black fumes, thinking that inhaling the exhaust from a greensboro bus would be fresh air)
~The rain as it pounds away at the tin roof...it makes me feel like i'm living in 1800's usa (or so i imagine)
~a steaming macchiato with a big scoop of sugar, while I watch the people walk by.
~The mini-taxis which can get you pretty much anywhere in the city for <$.25

I could keep going but I'll leave more for later. To let you know that not everything is peaches and cream here, the things I dislike about Addis (the short list):

Mothers who beg with their children in the street, men of all ages relieving themselves on the side of the street/sidewalk, faranji prices where they try to rip you off b/c you're white, the unemployment (close to 70%), and the black spots my lungs are developing from the constant diesel fumes.
